Vivian Katjedi is currently pursuing the Higher Certificate in Management of Technology and Innovation at DaVinci Business School, which includes elective modules in New Venture Creation (NVC).

In this recent interview with Vivian, she talks about her journey, as well as what she's learned.
Tell us about yourself and your background?
I'm a 26-year-old professional voice-over artist living in Johannesburg. I have a Diploma in Quality and Operations Management from the University of Johannesburg and enjoy self-care Sundays while watching football. I am a skin and hair care enthusiast who enjoys self-care on Sundays. Having a passion for personal care inspired me to start my own business.
How did you hear about DaVinci?
The DaVinci Business School caught my attention on Facebook.
How has your experience been as a student of The DaVinci Business School?
The DaVinci Business School has helped me develop new knowledge and skills that will give me a competitive edge as an innovative entrepreneur. The Institute connected me with a mentor through the National Mentorship Movement, which offers expert insight into the growth and development of my business.
What have you learnt from your electives in New Venture Creation?
I have gained knowledge of managing human and financial resources, developing procedures for conducting business operations, and applying real-world strategies. It was through these skills that I was able to solve problems, make decisions, and persuasively communicate effectively. I also acquired working knowledge of several other business disciplines, such as marketing, human resources, and contract negotiation.
What is next on your path of remarkability?
I hope to position my business as a key contributor in the NDP 2030. I want my business to keep money within the community by creating jobs that support local businesses and residents. I want to continue creating remarkable products that will inspire personal care for my customers.