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Corporate Training and Learning Skills Solutions

Partner with the DaVinci Business School, as your innovation partner of choice, to address the changing skills landscape.

Digital Work Design

We understand that businesses need to keep pace with technology and innovation while ensuring a strategic plan that aligns with their goals. Our culture design and growth, organisational design consulting, and digital integration into ways of work services help businesses achieve these objectives. Additionally, our automation skills and sustainability solutions ensure your business is operating efficiently and with a focus on the future.



Our reskilling solutions are designed to ensure employees have the certification skills aligned to their job descriptions. We offer on-the-job experiences, immersive experiences, accountability, foresight, innovation, culture, change, and leadership training, as well as work-based learning projects. These services also support new work models and ways of work.


New Work Models

We understand that the way we work is constantly changing. Our solutions help businesses balance business as usual, project management, and contractor management. We also offer diverse geographically wide teams, new types of analytics and KPIs, and governance, procurement, management, and legal aspects of new work formats.


New Normal Work Patterns

Our services cater to businesses that have employees working temporary, part-time, permanent non-full-time work, project-based, independent and self-employed, and in-country and foreign workers.


Benefits of Training

Insufficiently trained employees cause inefficiencies, excess costs, unhappy customers, and dangerous situations. Conversely, the benefits of training include creating culture, processes, and systems cohesion, trained employees and leaders, improved performance, increased retention, enhanced reputation, greater ability to adapt, increased competitiveness, and legal and regulatory compliance.


Training Drivers

Our solutions are driven by business goals and objectives, legal and regulatory requirements, industry standards, employee development and retention, organisational culture and attracting talent, performance improvement, and change management.


Training and Education Programmes

Our formal (accredited) and informal training programmes, customised learning interventions based on SETA programmes, and degrees with work-integrated change design are designed to assist your business in achieving its goals.



Our Higher Certificate, Bachelor’s Degree, Postgraduate Diploma, Masters’ Degrees, and Doctoral Degrees are designed to cater to the diverse needs of businesses.



Our employee induction, skills academy, and formalisation of qualifications solutions are designed to streamline your HR processes.


Change Management

Our behavioural analysis and design of change, process improvement, innovation processes, and innovation management solutions ensure that businesses stay ahead of the curve.


Training Content

Our digitisation of content solutions enable businesses to deliver training content more efficiently.


Organisational Development

Our culture change solutions help businesses develop a culture that fosters growth and development.


Executive Learning

Our international study tours, immersive learning experiences, and coaching services are designed to cater to the needs of executives.



Our contract research, surveys, think tank, and research reports provide businesses with valuable insights that can inform their decisions.


Entrepreneurship Programmes

Our entrepreneurship programmes are designed to develop and support entrepreneurs.



Our coaching services help employees and executives reach their full potential.


Master Classes

Our master classes are designed to provide employees and executives with additional training opportunities.


At the DaVinci Institute, we believe in designing for personal, social, and economic return on investment (ROI) of training. We measure that ROI with our customers based on training drivers and best practice models. As Andy Grove, Founder, CEO, and Chairman of Intel said, "As managers we can only influence an employee through motivation or training." Invest in your employees with The DaVinci Business School's Corporate Training and Learning

Introduction to Design Thinking Workshop

Looking to elevate your team's problem-solving abilities and drive innovation in your workplace? Look no further than our Introduction to Design Thinking workshop!

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